
We first came across Koerner on a recommendation by Joanna at COS (Sicily) of all places while at an in-store in New York City. It’s a partnership between two brothers whose parents own an old vineyard in Clare. Most of the fruit used to be sold off, but a couple vintages ago the brothers Koerner began making using it to make their own wines which they describe as “light, fresh, textured and well structured with high drinkability in mind”.

What a fresh take on Clare Valley these wines are! There’s just nothing like them in this region that – let’s face it – while renowned for many fine wineries, is fairly staid. Who would have thought of Clare Valley as the home of Sciacarello or Vermentino? And with Koerner it’s not just one Vermentino, but two.

In just a short number of years everybody seems to have picked up on the quality of Koerner wines. In 2019 in fact they won the Young Guns of Wine award (after being finalists in two previous years) over a hugely talented pool of fellow winemakers.

In terms of winemaking, everything is hand-picked early, wild fermented, very little oak, unfined / unfiltered, and minimal added sulfur.

Hauptuntersuchung fällig?

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Unsicher? Komm zu uns nach Körner für einen Vorab-Check!

#autohofkoerner #koerner #tüv #hauptuntersuchung #vorabcheck #kfz #kfzmechatroniker #kfzreparatur #kfzmechaniker #autotechnik #auto #kfzler #carlovers #werkstatt #autowerkstatt #instacars #autoservice

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Getting to watch and work with 2024 the__asc Rising Star Cinematographer jojolamdop with gaffer jgowesky and Key Grip gripdynamic / brighter1 on Roku’s “The Curiosity Effect: The Blind Woodsman” episode was an absolute pleasure. 👏🤘
Director: iam.carlosfilipe
1st AC: gabe_twigg
2nd AC: julie.nhem
Camera PA: kellenvogt
Sound: tw_micheau
Camera Support koerner_camera lensmonger
#Camera #BTS #BehindTheScenes #Camera #CameraTeam #CameraSupport #1stAC #CameraAssistant #AssistantCamera #CamOp #CameraOperator #DP #DoP #Director #DirectorOfPhotography #Filmmaking #CameraSlider #Cinema #Cinematography #OMPA #OregonFilm #PortlandFilm #TVShow #FilmCrew #Film #FocusPuller #ACFriends #FocusPullerAtWork #Koerner #CameraRental

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Prepped and ready for another shoot. 🔥🔥🔥
Director: puurple_
Cinematographer: coreyrood
1st AC: gabe_twigg
G&E: thedboy
Camera rentals: koerner_camera lensmonger
arri Alexa35, teradek 4k 750, cmotionlcs CPro+, Ward Sniper, gecko_cam_filmequipment Stealth SS, backpack_rig
#Camera #CameraBuild #Prepday #CameraPrep #OMPA #OregonFilm #CameraAssistant #AssistantCamera #Arri #Alexa35 #Cinema #cinematography #FilmSet #FilmCrew #Filmmaking #DoP #DP #Director #DirectorOfPhotography #BTS #BehindTheScenes #CamOp #Cinematic #CreativeDirector #1stAC #AC #PortlandFilm #Koerner #Lens #cameragear

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Ein kleines Teil mit großer Wirkung: Der Riemenspanner!

Damit dein Antriebsriemen immer perfekt sitzt – weder zu fest noch zu locker – sorgt dieser winzige, aber wichtige Spanner für die richtige Spannung. Doch Vorsicht! Wenn er altert und Feuchtigkeit aufnimmt, kann er zu einem echten Ärgernis werden. Sein jaulendes Geräusch raubt jedem die Freude am Autofahren!

Komm bei uns in Körner vorbei, wir schauen uns das an! 🔍

#autohofkoerner #koerner #antriebsriemen #spanner #riemenspanner #keilriemenpfeifen #kfzmeisterbetrieb #automobile #kfzmechatroniker #schrauberblog #kfzmechaniker #autoservice #auto #car #automotive #kfz #werkstatt #werkzeug #kfzbetrieb #felgen #reifenwechsel #kfzmeister #autoreparatur

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I always love fiddling with cameras 😜
#1stAC #CameraAssistant #AssistantCamera #Commercial #AdAgency #CameraSupport #Arri #ArriLF #angenieux #CPro #CMotion #Teradek #Teradek4k #AntonBauer #FocusPuller #Cinema #Cinematography #RentalHouse #Koerner #CameraSetup #Camera #CamOp #DP #DoP #DirectorOfPhotography #Director #Filmmaking #Film #Filmmaker #CameraTeam

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#salat #asissalate #glasnudeln #chicken #koerner #saaten #topping #topping #healthyfood #food #foodporn #foodphotography #foodstagram #foodblogger #healthyfood #foodie #healthyeating #healthybreakfast #mentalegesundheit #gesundabnehmen #ohnezucker #sunsetterdiscovery #zuckerfrei #enjoy ...

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Ready for this commercial!! Let’s goooo!!!!
Cinematographer: funkisfunky
1st AC: gabe_twigg
2nd AC: loganlaurian
Camera Support: lensmonger
#Camera #Cinematography #BTS #CameraPrep #Arri #Alexa35 #cinematographer #Cinematic #CameraAssistant #1stAC #AssistantCamera #FocusPuller #FocusPullerAtWork #CameraTeam #CameraCrew #CamOp #Teradek #CMotion #WardSniper #antonbauer #Koerner #Cinema #DP #DoP #Director #DirectorOfPhotography #PortlandFilm #OregonFilm #PDXFilms #Camerabuild

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Dinner talk on what makes a great wine.
#perrierjouet #cristom #lavialla #koerner #にいだしぜんしゅ #apostolosthymiopoulos #satowines #domainedestours #emmanuelreynaud #wine #naturalwine #winelover #winepairing #winetime #winewinewine #likewine #drinkwine #foodandwine #japantrip #trip #travel #nogizaka #tokyo #乃木坂しん #ワイン

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After a nice holiday break, we return to the road performing with my E-Collective and the Turtle Island Quartet in Toronto at #Koerner Hall, the crown jewel of The Royal Conservatory`s headquarters, on December 9. Tickets are still available here: https://bit.ly/3IsYpiU ...

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One of the many highlights of October was while I prepped for a commercial getting to meet the legend AC caitwithacamera while they helped teach film in the bay next to me. Also funny that we have both worked with the one of the sweetest cinematographers rickdiazdp
#Highlights #1stAC #Filmmaking #FilmCrew #CameraCrew #AssistantCamera #CameraAssistant #1stAssistantCamera #FocusPuller #FocusPullerAtWork #CameraTeam #Camera #BehindTheScenes #BTS #Filmmaking #CameraPrep #CameraHouse #CameraRental #Koerner #Cinema #Cinematography #Cinematographer #CameraPrep #ACFriends

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