Bella Ridge

Alon and Jodi Arbel own and operate the 25-acre vineyard in Swan Valley, Western Australia. Alon is originally from Israel and came to Western Australia in search of a strong easterly sea breeze as a keen windsurfer back in the early 1990s. Jodi had original qualifications in physical education,  health promotion and public health before turning to the world of wine.

Picture of orange crates filled with grapes in a vineyard
(c) Bella Ridge

Following a stint working overseas, Alon and Jodi returned and settled in Perth in 1993. It was only at this time that Alon was introduced to the world of wine, thanks to some of Jodi’s wine admiring relatives! in 2003, the Arbel’s purchased the land that is now Bella Ridge. Bella Ridge is proud to be pushing the boundaries, producing handcrafted blends and styles that are flavorsome, innovative and distinctive.

Bella Ridge Estate grapes are hand-picked, crushed, processed and bottled on-site at their in-house winery. The approach is to produce interesting and unique styles and blends that are textural, complex and flavorsome, with many dimensions, layers and lots of character.

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