Good Intentions Wine Co.
We first came across this winery through a photo shown to us at a Manhattan retailer. “Do you know them?” No. “My friend says they’re great. Look them up.” Ok, will do (makes quick note). About six months later, we were having coffee with Andrew and Louise and tasting their wines at an outdoor cafe table in McLaren Vale. Their young daughter Frankie draw all over my notes. We got a really good feel for them, and love what they’re doing.
Andrew and Louise are located in Mount Gambier, which is about half way between Adelaide and Melbourne. Very remote. They planted their own organically managed vineyard and Andrew’s started heading up the local viticultural association in order to try to get the region on Australia’s organic winemaking map! In the meantime, they manage and source fruit from three local sites. These wines offer tremendous value for the quality and should be guzzled by everybody everywhere. Small volumes only – and they sell out quick!
“We make wines that reflect the eccentricities of our personalities, place and terroir with a minimalistic approach. We use old world wine methods, preferring the challenges of hand picking our fruit, open fermenting with indigenous yeast and only adding sulphur when required by the wine. We do not filter or fine our wines and they are all bottled on site in our small winery. Our aim is to produce great tasting unique wines expressing this unique terroir above anything else. We produce what we like to drink.” – Andrew
Tim Goschnick is the artist behind Good Intentions Wine Co’s labels and imagery. He uses a mix of graphite, ink and digital colors to create the labels. He is inspired by 60’s psychedelia, sci-fi and the natural world.
When you can cook and #eatlikeaqueen do it! #blueeyecod lovely white textured fish #polentachips and the #moorish #chardonnay by #goodintentionswineco from sommwinestore #perfect #mediumweight #brightacidity #yummy #minerality to enhance the #lemonbuttersauce🍋 #homegrown #lemons and #herbs @ #ladiesloungemiami
My debut with good_intentions_wine / Mt Gambier Chardonnay /volcanic Chardonnay with this 2023 Chardonnay from Mr Andrew Burchell and his groovy organic methods 😍
I like this very much! The vibe is gentle but complex. Pretty shimmery gold in appearance, citrus, gently toasted lemon honey and soft soft stone fruit on the nose with an equally soft line of salinity - gentle and groovy.
The same lemon, honey toastiness once sipped, but complimented by an interesting nuttiness, hazelnut and walnut, very well balanced giving the wine a gentle texture and feel while allowing the interesting flavour profile to remain the focal point. The wine has good persistence with a saline lemon nutty note holding for quite some time. Maybe some soft peach in there too. The flavours, especially the nutty citrus notes become more pronounced the longer open.
Loved this😍 thank you to the legends at good_intentions_wine looking forward to tasting more Mt Gambier magic 😍
#mtgambier #chardonnay #volcano #good #goodintentions #goodintentionswineco #southaussiewine #southaustralia #podcast #instagood #finewine #inspiration #review #the_cellar_door_podcast
Good Intentions Wine / グッド・インテンションズ・ワイン
ワイン名: Magnolia 2022
インポーター:Kp Orahcrad
マウント・ガンビアを愛するアンドリューによって2014年にスタートした「Good Intentions Wine / グット インテンションズ ワイン」。マウント・ガンビアはその冷涼な気候と石灰岩や火山灰といった特異な地質から注目を集めており、2010年にGI認定された比較的新しいワイン産地です。
アンドリューのワインへ向き合う姿勢は自然への敬意と人間味に溢れたもので、自由な発想を楽しむ現代的なオージーそのもの。醗酵は全て野生酵母。ボトリング前のごく僅かな酸化防止剤以外の添加物は使用しません。また栽培や醸造中に電子機器による分析を行わず、一切を自らの五感によって判断しています。Good Intentions Wineの理念は「自分たちで100%有機栽培したブドウを用いて、マウント・ガンビアのテロワールが現れた個性的かつ“クリーン”なナチュラルワインを表現すること」であり、そのために現在6.5haの自社畑(現在は買いブドウもある)の管理、コルクへの仕様変更、一部ワインへの極少量のSO2添加(無添加の場合はリリースまでしっかり熟成期間をとる)といった方針に踏み切っています。(インポーターさん資料より一部抜粋)
▼Good Intentions Wine / グッド・インテンションズ・ワイン
#goodintentionswineco #グッドインテンションズワイン #kporahcrad #自然派ワイン #自然派ワインのお店 #ナチュラルワイン #ナチュールワイン #ナチュラルワインが飲める店 #naturalwine#xoticwines #エキゾチックワインズ #町屋 #千代田線 #町屋駅 #町屋グルメ
On Thursday 29 June dip into the wall of wine and get to know good_intentions_wine and all their lofi deliciousness!
Hosted by winemaker Andrew Burchell, you’ll enjoy a four-course menu paired with these vibrant natural wines from Mount Gambier, SA.
Spots are limited, get your tickets through the link in bio now!
#nieuwruin #goodintentionswineco
On Thursday 29 June join nieuwruin as they dip into the wall of wine and get to know Good Intentions Wine Co, a unique, lofi producer hailing from the volcanic hills of Mount Gambier in South Australia. Hosted by winemaker Andrew Burchell, you’ll enjoy a four-course menu with paired wines.
Andrew and his wife Louise make natural wines that border on the wild. They’re eccentric, and vividly reflect the volcanic Mount Gambier terroir and the pair’s old world, minimalist approach to winemaking. From hand picking grapes to wild fermenting and bottling on site, these wines are as unique as they are delicious.
Set across two long tables inside Nieuw Ruin, this is an intimate dinner not to be missed.
Hit the link in bio for tickets.
Tickets are $99 per person | 4 courses and 4 wines Bookings essential and places are extremely limited.
#nieuwruin #goodintentionswineco
#宮本ヴィンヤード #山崎ワイナリー #juliencourtois #goodintentionswineco #テールドシエル #プレザンティール #naganowine #japanwine #pinotnoir #chardonnay #gamay #winelover #vinnature #ワインラバー #日本ワイン #日本ワイン好きと繋がりたい #ワイン好きな人と繋がりたい #ピノノワール好き #ワインエキスパート #ソムリエ #ワイン勉強中 #ワイン造り #長野ワイン #北海道産ワイン #ピノノワール #シャルドネ #ガメイ #ナチュラルワイン #自然派ワイン
ROLLING SPINIFEX Festival Sat 14th January!
the_cantina_robe has long been home to live music, whether it be Tom`s `Fiesta de Amor`, spacejamsfest theporchsessions - now ROLLING SPINIFEX!
Awesome bands, local wines & beer, food by the_hungry_viking_
Art by the wonderful tim_goschnick
Ticket link in bio or at The Cantina cellar door✌️
2022. Mar 🇦🇹🇦🇺🇯🇵🇫🇷
Wow, amazing wines as always🥳
Friday afternoons poolside with Noir Dee Doot Dah from Good Intentions
A juicy pinot noir from Mount Gambier in Australia. This is a perfect chiller red, a brilliant glou glou bbq wine and something I could drink everyday.
Taste’s like red jet plane lollies with a light spritz.
Natural, naked and delicious!
Photo credit:
#barewinenz #barewine #goodintentions #naturalwine #winetime #winelife #winestagram #summerwines #australiannaturalwine #chillerred #pinotnoir #goodintentionswineco
After returning to their roots a husband and wife duo have grown their wine label from the ground up and now are set to begin a new venture on the outskirts of Mount Gambier.
Now Andrew and Louise Burchell are transforming an old butcher shop into a cellar door by day and wine bar by night. Sitting alongside a bakery and ice creamery, Andrew says that the new venue would transform the area into “an interesting little hub”.
Read all about it via thel ink in bio.
#adelaide #southaustralia #mountgambier #winebar #goodintentionswineco #TheAdvertiser
Good Intentions Wine Co. Ooh La La Noir 2017
#自然派ワイン #ナチュラルワイン #オーストラリアワイン #ロゼワイン #フィールドブレンド #ピノノワール #グッドインテンションズワイン #goodintentionswineco #goodintentions #pinotnoir #kporchard #おうちワイン #ワインペアリング #おうち時間 #ステイホーム
Good Intentions Wine // Pétillant Pop
Carbonic macerated Pinot Noir fruit, de-stemmed and pressed. This Pet Nat is a dark style Pinot noir. Think red frogs and candy canes. This wine`s drinkability is insane.
Red Apple Jolly Rancher, Pear, Earthy
📦🌈🌈🌈🍷 right to your door.
#naturalwine #organicwine #biodynamicwine #glouglou #wine #winetasting #winelover #winery #winenight #wines #winestagram #whitewine #redwine #orangewine #instawine #wineoftheday #winesofinstagram #love #instagood #beautiful #photooftheday #petnat #wineoclock #winewednesday #winepairing #winemaking #thenaturalwineshoppe #goodintentionswineco
Good Intentions Wine Co., South Australia – Good Intentions Wine Co. er et lille familieforetagende drevet af Andrew Burchell og hans kone Louise, med en ambition om at skabe et landbrug, der fremmer biodiversiteten og bidrager til at løfte det lille lokalsamfund Mount Gambier beliggende cirka halvvejs mellem Adelaide og Melbourne. Vi befinder os på sydsiden af en af Australiens yngste inaktive vulkaner, hvilket bidrager til et helt unikt terroir og markant køligere klima, end man finder det i mere kendte Australske vindyrkningsområder.
Markerne dyrkes efter principperne om permakultur, og i kælderen er filosofien ligeledes helt klar. Her bedst beskrevet af Andrew selv: ”We make wines that reflect the eccentricities of our personalities, place and terroir with a minimalistic approach. We use old world wine methods, preferring the challenges of hand picking our fruit, open fermenting with indigenous yeast and only adding sulphur when required by the wine. We do not filter or fine our wines and they are all bottled on site in our small winery. Our aim is to produce great tasting unique wines expressing this unique terroir above anything else. We produce what we like to drink.”
Vinene udviser generelt høj friskhed og relative lav ekstraktion. Det er uhøjtidelig vin, der kan drikkes i store slurke, men som stadigvæk udviser nok karakter og personlighed til, at man har lyst til at åbne en flaske mere.
Link til webshop i Bio: lieu.dit
🍇Pinot noir
a few pictures from their Japan tour in 2019
shop // winemarketparty_yebisu *
import// kp_orchard *
cheers 🍷
Chardonnay from Coola Road vineyard.
Direct pressed and fermented in stainless steel before being transferred to old French biriques. Left on barrel for 15 month and then rested in bottle for another 4 month.
It’s a chalky, oxidative and rich in minerality with acidity to die for.
#naturalwine #wine #naturalwinenorthernrivers #goodintentionswineco