About Riposte
Tim Knappstein became a third generation vigneron when he commenced his career in the family company, Stanley Wines, making his first wine in 1966, after graduating from the Roseworthy College Oenology course.
In 1969, Tim ventured out on his own and founded the Enterprise and Tim Knappstein Wines labels in the Clare Valley. An unrequited desire to produce premium cool climate varieties, in particular Pinot Noir, then led Tim to plant the first vineyard in the Lenswood district of the Adelaide Hills in 1981. By 1994, he had finalized his business with the Clare Valley winery bearing his name, and focused full time in his Adelaide Hills Lenswood Vineyards.
Tim is renowned for his no compromise approach to winemaking, production style and quality standouts in a very competitive industry. Always an innovator, in 1978 he introduced ‘Fume Blanc’ to the Australian market and, in 1980, botrytised Riesling made under controlled atmosphere.
Tim’s driving passion is to create the finest wines possible from premium Adelaide Hills vineyards. A true family enterprise from its inception, his new label Riposte is wholly owned and run by Tim with his wife Dale and son Nick. Continuing the family tradition, Nick will be the fourth generation winemaker bearing the Knappstein name.
The Riposte label is a small portfolio of complex and striking cool climate wines from the Adelaide Hills. Riposte is a fencing term meaning a quick reply or counter-thrust and is Tim’s personal reply to the increasingly corporatized world of wine making.
Saturday night line up with a couple of true gentlemen. Reminiscing on past adventures, planning more for the future and having some deep chats. Cheers to opening up over great whisky with great mates.
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{SWIPE} Here’s today’s news! Read all these articles for free on our iPhone app, on the website, or via the link in bio. Enjoy your week!
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Wine Wednesday with nickknappstein from ripostewines and a few more tips for your cheese and wine pairings 🥂 Thanks Nick and hotelindigoadelaide for sharing knowledge and beautiful space merrymaker_rooftopbar 🙏🏼
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A magnificent feed of freshly caught South Australian Coorong mullet would generally be complimented by a crisp, dry white, but on this cool autumn evening, I`ve opted for an aromatic, light bodied red, and it worked oh so well. The 2017 Adelaide Hills Pinot Noir by Tim Knappstein`s ripostewines label was an absolute ripper. So much fresh, vibrant, red fruit with a light, almost iridescent hue, The Sabre Pinot was bang on with my haul of sweet mullet.
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南オーストラリア 目的地バロッサバレー🍇
Open Beef Wellington
Oysters Kilpatrick
ワインはRiposte Shiraz 2012🍷
The 2020 vintage from ripostewines was superb for Piccadilly Valley Sauvignon Blanc. The 2020 ‘The Foil’ shows vibrancy and depth with elegant passionfruit and floral notes. A long driving palate of intense fruit tapers cleanly to a crisp, finely balanced conclusion.⠀
Available from our Newmarket store for $24.99 a bottle!⠀
#ripostewines #wine
在寫感想之前,先來說個故事。這個酒莊主人叫Tim,大約60年代就開始闖蕩江湖。隨後在Lenswood找到了他心目中最好的地塊插下個該區第一個葡萄藤。對於澳洲葡萄區塊,大家通常耳熟能詳的不外乎就是Barossa valley、Eden valley、Yarra valley等。Lenswood這種小區塊可能壓根聽都沒聽過,沒關係你只要記得Henschke也在該地買地種植就好。然後Tim隨著他事業開始有所起步大量購入土地及生產設備,在這種大量投資的情況下風險也跟著提高。因此他公司經營不下去開始變賣所有資產,包括他最愛的Lenswood葡萄園,至於賣給誰呢?沒錯,就是剛剛提到的Henschke。
Tim這個鬥士雖然老了,但還是雄心壯志,最後又重新開啟了新酒莊並取名Riposte,代表他人生可能的最後一擊。不僅如此當初賣掉的葡萄園也願意提供葡萄幫助他東山再起。說了這麼多我們直接來看看JS怎麼說好了”It’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks when the old dog in question is Tim Knappsteim. With 50+ years of winemaking and more than 500 wine show awards under his belt, Tim started a new wine life in 2006 with Riposte”。除此之外JS更給了他五星酒莊的評價。越挫越勇,名至實歸。
回到開始的問題,一瓶千元不到的Pinot noir你對於他有什麼期待,我體驗了出濃郁的earthy、皮革、櫻桃等香氣。入口後單寧跟酸甜度都頗有架構,尾韻悠長。這麼有power的一隻酒來形容Tim的人生經歷,我想表達的是恰到好處。
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Riposte Wines Dinner🍷 🍇
Family owned and operated from the picturesque Adelaide Hills ripostewines is rated as a 5 Red Star Winery by James Halliday with an enviable record of producing outstanding wines.
Join us to wine and dine with some of the best wines the Adelaide Hills region has to offer. Including the delicious crab and prawn ravioli pictured above! ✸ Wednesday 10th July, 7pm.
✸ $88 per person.
✸ Food and Beverage inclusive.
✸ Bookings essential.
✨Call today to secure your spot - 08 8267 1375
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“It’s sex in a glass, so seductive, it’s hard to say no…” – Master Sommelier Madeline Triffon. Who else loves a glass of Pinot?
This bottle of Riposte ‘The Dagger’ 2018 Pinot Noir from the Adelaide Hills came in my Customised Wine Plan sample box from wineselectors last month. This is a new subscription service where you choose the grape varieties and wine styles that you love to be delivered at a frequency you choose. It’s a great way to drink what you love, but also try wines from new producers.
I hadn’t come across this Pinot by Tim Knappstein and Son before, so I was excited to get stuck in. The Knappstein name has been connected with the winemaking industry in South Australia since 1894. From what I read via the online grape vine, at $18 a bottle this Pinot is a real steal.
Mr Spittoon and I enjoyed it snuggled up on the couch recently and let’s just say the bottle’s contents seemed to disappear very quickly, almost like magic 😉
Head over to travellingcorkscrew.com.au (link in bio) to read my tasting note 🍷🍷 #sponsoredpost #wineselectors #aussiewine #australianwine #winesubscription #wineplan #winedelivery #winelover #wine #tcweekdaywine #travellingcorkscrew #wineblog #wineblogger #pinotnoir #adelaidehills #adelaidehillswine #knappsteinwines #ripostewines
ripostewines The Dagger Pinot Noir 2018 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Why waste your time searching for an awesome Friday night wine? We`ve got one for you right here! Riposte, pronounced rip-posst, means ‘comeback. Made by Tim Knappstein of Adelaide Hills wine legend, The Dagger is sharply priced, and worth a stab!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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. The Freo Doctor Liquor store is the oldest bottle shop in Freo. We have an unrivalled stock of international beers and ciders plus massive wine and spirit collections.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Nick Knappstein talks bunch weights and berry sizes on this years’ crop. Grape sampling is done to ensure the fruit is picked when the grapes are at optimal ripeness. Varied berry size is very common in Pinot Noir (not in other varieties) and it should provide exceptional colour and silky tannins in our 2019 Pinot. Thanks to our visitors, Elspeth and Dan for the video #nickknappstein #pinotpalooza #v19 #ripostewines #winery #vino #pinotnoir
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