We first came across Koerner on a recommendation by Joanna at COS (Sicily) of all places while at an in-store in New York City. It’s a partnership between two brothers whose parents own an old vineyard in Clare. Most of the fruit used to be sold off, but a couple vintages ago the brothers Koerner began making using it to make their own wines which they describe as “light, fresh, textured and well structured with high drinkability in mind”.
What a fresh take on Clare Valley these wines are! There’s just nothing like them in this region that – let’s face it – while renowned for many fine wineries, is fairly staid. Who would have thought of Clare Valley as the home of Sciacarello or Vermentino? And with Koerner it’s not just one Vermentino, but two.
In just a short number of years everybody seems to have picked up on the quality of Koerner wines. In 2019 in fact they won the Young Guns of Wine award (after being finalists in two previous years) over a hugely talented pool of fellow winemakers.
In terms of winemaking, everything is hand-picked early, wild fermented, very little oak, unfined / unfiltered, and minimal added sulfur.
Hauptuntersuchung fällig?
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➡️ Kennzeichen sichtbar und sicher befestigt
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Unsicher? Komm zu uns nach Körner für einen Vorab-Check!
#autohofkoerner #koerner #tüv #hauptuntersuchung #vorabcheck #kfz #kfzmechatroniker #kfzreparatur #kfzmechaniker #autotechnik #auto #kfzler #carlovers #werkstatt #autowerkstatt #instacars #autoservice
🟣 Marigold Santos` upcoming Koerner Lecture! 🟣
"Fragments Gathered; on diaspora, motherwork, and gaiety within the work of Marigold Santos."
🦚 Patel Brown is thrilled that Marigold Santos, who is currently the 2025 Artist-in-Residence in Queen’s University BFA (Visual Art) Program, will give a talk about her work as part of the Koerner Lecture series on March 28 at 6:00 pm. 🦚
The event will take place at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.
🦚 We’ve included the sign-up link in our bio. 🦚
1. Portrait of the artist by Jared Sych.
2. Documentation from Santos’ solo-exhibition at our Toronto gallery in 2023. Photo by Darren Rigo.
3. Detail of "shroud envisioning (side stance in violet)", photo by Darren Rigo.
#artgallery #contemporaryart #queensuniversity #koerner #koernerlecture #canadianart #marigoldsantos #patelbrown #patelbrowntoronto #shroudenvisioning #motherhood #diasporicart
Getting to watch and work with 2024 the__asc Rising Star Cinematographer jojolamdop with gaffer jgowesky and Key Grip gripdynamic / brighter1 on Roku’s “The Curiosity Effect: The Blind Woodsman” episode was an absolute pleasure. 👏🤘
Director: iam.carlosfilipe
1st AC: gabe_twigg
2nd AC: julie.nhem
Camera PA: kellenvogt
Sound: tw_micheau
Camera Support koerner_camera lensmonger
#Camera #BTS #BehindTheScenes #Camera #CameraTeam #CameraSupport #1stAC #CameraAssistant #AssistantCamera #CamOp #CameraOperator #DP #DoP #Director #DirectorOfPhotography #Filmmaking #CameraSlider #Cinema #Cinematography #OMPA #OregonFilm #PortlandFilm #TVShow #FilmCrew #Film #FocusPuller #ACFriends #FocusPullerAtWork #Koerner #CameraRental
Prepped and ready for another shoot. 🔥🔥🔥
Director: puurple_
Cinematographer: coreyrood
1st AC: gabe_twigg
G&E: thedboy
Camera rentals: koerner_camera lensmonger
arri Alexa35, teradek 4k 750, cmotionlcs CPro+, Ward Sniper, gecko_cam_filmequipment Stealth SS, backpack_rig
#Camera #CameraBuild #Prepday #CameraPrep #OMPA #OregonFilm #CameraAssistant #AssistantCamera #Arri #Alexa35 #Cinema #cinematography #FilmSet #FilmCrew #Filmmaking #DoP #DP #Director #DirectorOfPhotography #BTS #BehindTheScenes #CamOp #Cinematic #CreativeDirector #1stAC #AC #PortlandFilm #Koerner #Lens #cameragear
Ein kleines Teil mit großer Wirkung: Der Riemenspanner!
Damit dein Antriebsriemen immer perfekt sitzt – weder zu fest noch zu locker – sorgt dieser winzige, aber wichtige Spanner für die richtige Spannung. Doch Vorsicht! Wenn er altert und Feuchtigkeit aufnimmt, kann er zu einem echten Ärgernis werden. Sein jaulendes Geräusch raubt jedem die Freude am Autofahren!
Komm bei uns in Körner vorbei, wir schauen uns das an! 🔍
#autohofkoerner #koerner #antriebsriemen #spanner #riemenspanner #keilriemenpfeifen #kfzmeisterbetrieb #automobile #kfzmechatroniker #schrauberblog #kfzmechaniker #autoservice #auto #car #automotive #kfz #werkstatt #werkzeug #kfzbetrieb #felgen #reifenwechsel #kfzmeister #autoreparatur
get inspired for Halloween during preview week!!
see more on our virtual catalogue:
#saintlouis #stl #linkauctiongalleries #vintage #posters #art #shopstl #french #italian #westernart #halloween #auction #steinlen #steinlencats #muggiani #bernardvillemont #cwe #costumes #inspiration #antiques #koerner #williamkoerner #winemaker #thrifting #grapecrusher #winepress #manifesting #meissen #meissenporcelain #fineart
I always love fiddling with cameras 😜
#1stAC #CameraAssistant #AssistantCamera #Commercial #AdAgency #CameraSupport #Arri #ArriLF #angenieux #CPro #CMotion #Teradek #Teradek4k #AntonBauer #FocusPuller #Cinema #Cinematography #RentalHouse #Koerner #CameraSetup #Camera #CamOp #DP #DoP #DirectorOfPhotography #Director #Filmmaking #Film #Filmmaker #CameraTeam
And we’re off to the races! Preview for our August 24th auction begins this Sunday from 12-4. Featuring a diverse assortment of fine art, garden statuary, decorative art, jewelry and couture and collectibles, there is sure to be something for everyone in this sale!
#louisvuittonbag #17thcenturytapestry #orangina #vintageposters #mcmfurniture #bronzesculpture #charleslebrun #whdkoerner #koerner #gardenstatues #gardendesign
#salat #asissalate #glasnudeln #chicken #koerner #saaten #topping #topping #healthyfood #food #foodporn #foodphotography #foodstagram #foodblogger #healthyfood #foodie #healthyeating #healthybreakfast #mentalegesundheit #gesundabnehmen #ohnezucker #sunsetterdiscovery #zuckerfrei #enjoy
Ready for this commercial!! Let’s goooo!!!!
Cinematographer: funkisfunky
1st AC: gabe_twigg
2nd AC: loganlaurian
Camera Support: lensmonger
#Camera #Cinematography #BTS #CameraPrep #Arri #Alexa35 #cinematographer #Cinematic #CameraAssistant #1stAC #AssistantCamera #FocusPuller #FocusPullerAtWork #CameraTeam #CameraCrew #CamOp #Teradek #CMotion #WardSniper #antonbauer #Koerner #Cinema #DP #DoP #Director #DirectorOfPhotography #PortlandFilm #OregonFilm #PDXFilms #Camerabuild
LORENA WIEBES DOUBLE LA MISE SUR LA DEUXIÈME ÉTAPE DE LA RIDELONDON CLASSIQUE, déjà vainqueure hier, la Néerlandaise récidive aujourd`hui en s`imposant au sprint devant Charlotte Kool et Lotte Kopecky. Du côté des françaises, Clara Copponi et Roxane Fournier terminent neuvième et dixième de l`étape.
Lorena Wiebes conserve donc sa tunique de leader et possède 20 secondes d`avance sur sa coéquipière Lotte Kopecky. Letizia Paternoster est troisième à 21 secondes.
Les classements:
🔵Lorena WIEBES
💗Lorena WIEBES
🟠Rebecca KOERNER
⚪Eleonora Camilla GASPARRINI
📸1:Getty Images Sports
📸2&3:Pro Cycling Stats
#ridelondon #wiebes #kool #kopecky #copponi #fournier #paternoster #koerner #gasparrini #cycling #cyclisme #ciclismo
LORENA WIEBES REMPORTE LA PREMIÈRE ÉTAPE DE LA RIDELONDON CLASSIQUE, la Néerlandaise s`impose au sprint devant Letizia Paternoster et Clara Copponi. Elle signe son huitième succès cette saison.
Lorena Wiebes est donc logiquement la première leader du classement général.
Les classements:
🔵Lorena WIEBES
💗Lorena WIEBES
🟠Rebecca KOERNER
⚪Eleonora Camilla GASPARRINI
📸1:Getty Images Sports
📸2&3:Pro Cycling Stats
#ridelondon #wiebes #paternoster #copponi #koerner #gasparrini #cycling #cyclisme #ciclismo
HUGE NEWS here at Vinous HQ!
Our old friend Damon Koerner has rejoined the Vinous portfolio with his eponymous label. Following a restructure Damon is once again the driving force beyond this important new wave producer. The Koerner label has built a reputation for showcasing Clare Valley with lighter fresher expressions that top the deliciousness chart. Great quality fruit, ethical philosophies and minimal winemaking with supreme attention to detail combine to make these some of the most exciting wines to come out of SA in the last 10 years.
Sydney, Canberra and NSW trade friends the wines are now available exclusively through Vinous Solutions.
We are out on the road now with the wines so get in touch for a refresh.
Dinner talk on what makes a great wine.
#perrierjouet #cristom #lavialla #koerner #にいだしぜんしゅ #apostolosthymiopoulos #satowines #domainedestours #emmanuelreynaud #wine #naturalwine #winelover #winepairing #winetime #winewinewine #likewine #drinkwine #foodandwine #japantrip #trip #travel #nogizaka #tokyo #乃木坂しん #ワイン
+++Wildvögel füttern +++
Besonders wichtig ist Fütterung der Wildvögel im Winter, wenn Eis und Schnee die Wiesen und Felder bedecken und Stäucher und Bäume kahl sind. Dann ist es für die daheim gebliebenen Vögel schwer Nahrung zu finden. Die immer größere Versiegelung von Grünflächen erschweren die Nahrungssuche. Um den Wildvögel zu Unterstützen bieten wir in unserem Markt eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen Futtersorten. Wir beraten Sie gern, wie sie den Tieren am besten helfen können.
#winter #vogel #wildvogel #nabu #wildvogel #wildvogelhilfe #wildvogelfotografie #fotografie #fressnapf #fressnapf_deutschland #fressnapfdeutschland #dresden #schnee #futter #futterstellen #koerner #koernerfutter #sachsen #saxony #special_shots #pictureoftheday #picoftheday #tiere #pets #bird #wildbirds
One of the many highlights of October was while I prepped for a commercial getting to meet the legend AC caitwithacamera while they helped teach film in the bay next to me. Also funny that we have both worked with the one of the sweetest cinematographers rickdiazdp
#Highlights #1stAC #Filmmaking #FilmCrew #CameraCrew #AssistantCamera #CameraAssistant #1stAssistantCamera #FocusPuller #FocusPullerAtWork #CameraTeam #Camera #BehindTheScenes #BTS #Filmmaking #CameraPrep #CameraHouse #CameraRental #Koerner #Cinema #Cinematography #Cinematographer #CameraPrep #ACFriends
We are delighted to announce our new #ComputationalCouture Lecturer, part of the Fabricademy Global Faculty. Welcome to the team, koernerjulia! 🌟
Julia Koerner is an award-winning Austrian designer working at the convergence of architecture, product and fashion design. She is internationally recognised for design innovation in 3D-Printing. Her work stands out at the top of these disciplines. Julia received master degrees in Architecture from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (with distinction) and the Architectural Association in London. Since 2012 she is based between Los Angeles and Salzburg and has previously practiced in London and New York.
🔗 Discover more about her projects at juliakoerner.com
#computationaldesign #computational #design #3d #grasshopper #Rhinoceros #gh #henerativedesign #3dprint #couture #newmaterials #fashiondesign #architecture #algorithms #3ddesign #3dprinting #fashiondesign #exhibition #juliakoerner #jk3d #costumedesign #wakandaforever #koerner #sla #sls #3dprintfashion #digitalfashion #innovation #3dprinteddress #fashiontech