Pipers River, Tasmania

Clover Hill

Established in the 1980s, Clover Hill is one of Australia’s very few premium sparkling houses solely producing sparkling wines in the traditional method. Northeast sites, close to Bass Strait, are subject to strong maritime influences. Hillside slopes in the Tamar Valley offer vines some protection from prevailing westerly winds, promoting warm, settled and relatively dry growing conditions.

Clover Hill is acknowledged as one of Australia’s finest sparkling producers. With the cool climate and growing conditions of Tasmania being remarkably similar to that of the famous Champagne region of France, Clover Hill has been able to produce sparkling wines of uncompromising quality, elegance and finesse.

Clover Hill wines are made from estate holdings in Pyrenees (Western Victoria) and Tasmania. Their Multi-Vintage (MV) approach combines wines of the prior three vintages to reflect their Chardonnay-dominant house style.



Limited dates, seasonal tour - combining sensational aerial views, fragrant lavender farm blooms and award winning wines on the way home 💜🍾🫶

BOOK VIA OUR WEBSITE - link the bio!

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Classic sparkling wines of outstanding quality are discovered at the House of Arras. Our Deluxe wine tour featured some of Australia’s very best sparkling wine producers including Apogee, Jansz and Clover Hill. Lunch at Nadine’s Cafe at Pipers Brook was much appreciated by our special guests. 👏🥂
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Work work work work 🚜🚜🚜🚜

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‘Omakase - I Trust You, Chef’

Clover Hill Multi-Course Dining Experience.

Saturday and Sunday 12.00pm to 2.30pm
(bookings required)

Photography - Samuel Shelly samuelpshelly
Styling - Tanya White cloverhillwinestas



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Haven’t made plan for New Year’s Eve? 🎉 Not to worry, we have bookings available. Join us to celebrate the end of 2022! 🥂

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! 🍾

Eat, drink and relax with us @ Lizzie & Lefroy!

Call 📲 6234 7788 or book online 💻 @ https://bookings.nowbookit.com/?accountid=03dc9f1d-ee0b-4da3-bb89-c3e034424a61&venueid=1863&theme=light&colors=hex,000000
#happynewyear #2022 #celebration #bookingsavailable #bubbles #cloverhillwinestas #eat #drink #relax #bar #restaurant #eatanddrinklocal #lizzieandlefroy #northhobart #hobart #tasmania #discovertasmania #supportsmallbusiness

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On the gypsy road .. and one of our fave stops is Clover Hill Winery for a platter .. with a great bubbly to match .. perfecto on a misty day like today 🥂
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Wow! Thanks to cloverhillwinestas for Miri and her Dad’s Father’s Day competition win. Very fancy! #cloverhillwinestas #sparklingwine ...

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Happy Weekend...🖤

#soignecollectionspopup #preowneddesignerfashion #cloverhillwinestas #happyweekend

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Find someone who looks at you the same way my dog looks at Clover Hill Sparkling 🥂

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Celebrating Fridays with the Clover Hill Tasmanian Cuvee 🥂🥂🥂 ⁠

🙌 Comprising only the finest parcels of Tasmanian fruit, skillfully blended to the best to represent the vivacity of the region. ⁠

Along with a bright green hue, this wine has a delicate and soft mousse. On the nose, attractive notes of bright citrus, fresh apples, brioche, and cream. On the palate, the wine offers crisp apple pie and lime characters. It has a great drive and length with a balanced dosage⁠

$27.99 Each by the case ⁠

⬆️ Bio Link above to purchase⁠

📸 cloverhillwinestas⁠

#sparkling #cloverhill #cloverhillwinestas #cloverhillwinestasmania #cloverhillwines #tasmanianwine⁠

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